Ventilatory monitoring devices that require mouthpiece breathing produce a rise in tidal volume (VT), a fall in frequency(f) and alterations in periodicity and variability of breathing components. Together with the introduction of the respiratory inductive plethysmograph, a reliable noninvasive monitoring device of ventilation, major advances have taken place in understanding the significance of the components of the breathing pattern.
We measured the breathing pattern of normal subjects utilizing respiratory inductive plethysmography and continuously processed these data with a microprocessor system. The mean values of the breathing pattern components in normal subjects were not affected by age, but the rhythmicity was more irregular in the elderly. The values of breathing pattern components obtained noninvasively by respiratory inductive plethysmography in normal subjects are fairly predictable in limits similar to other tests of pulmonary function.
Acesse nossos artigos sobre o método RTA.
Escrito por Iris Rayanne da Silva Lima, Mara Marusia Martins Sampaio Campos, Maria Valdeleda Uchoa Moraes Araújo, Letícia Helene Mendes Ferreira, Kellen Yamille dos Santos Chaves, Lucimar Vasconcelos Bessa, Ana Karine Fontenele de Almeida, Carina Santana de Freitas, Bianca do Carmo Oliveira, Jamille Soares Moreira Alves.
Escrito por Martijn A. Spruit, Sally J. Singh, Chris Garvey, Richard ZuWallack, Linda Nici, Carolyn Rochester, Kylie Hill, Anne E. Holland, Suzanne C. Lareau, William D.-C. Man, Fabio Pitta, Louise Sewell, Jonathan Raskin, Jean Bourbeau, Rebecca Crouch, Frits M. E. Franssen, Richard Casaburi, Jan H. Vercoulen, Ioannis Vogiatzis, Rik Gosselink, Enrico M. Clini, Tanja W. Effing, Franc¸ois Maltais, Job van der Palen, Thierry Troosters, Daisy J. A. Janssen, Eileen Collins, Judith Garcia-Aymerich, Dina Brooks, Bonnie F. Fahy, Milo A. Puhan, Martine Hoogendoorn, Rachel Garrod, Annemie M. W. J. Schols, Brian Carlin, Roberto Benzo, Paula Meek, Mike Morgan, Maureen P. M. H. Rutten-van Mo¨lken, Andrew L. Ries, Barry Make, Roger S. Goldstein, Claire A. Dowson, Jan L. Brozek, Claudio F. Donner, and Emiel F. M. Wouters
Escrito por Kethlen Roberta Roussenq1 , Janaina Cristina Scalco2 , George Jung da Rosa3 , Gesilane Júlia da Silva Honório4 , Camila Isabel Santos Schivinski5